What a successful trip; what a great team! All have worked hard and then played hard. Strong relationships built with buddies and some thoughtful reflections on lifestyles and cultures. Ghanaian and UK buddies are so much the same in so many ways. Delivering tired but happy young people back home to families is always a...Read More
Monday 5th August Day 16 We started the day with porridge at the hostel, then packed up and left for lake Volta. No one was late surprisingly, but Maya lost her lanyard. The trip was four hours to the lake, where we had a boat trip around the top half of the lake. The life...Read More
Sunday 4th August Day 15 Today we woke up early so we could climb the mountain in the morning when it was cooler. For breakfast we had eggy bread. We went on the coach for an hour to the mountain them we climbed it with a lot of complaining, when it wasn’t even that bad...Read More
Saturday 3rd August Day 14 So the day started off with Caroline and Chloe helping in the kitchen. They were singing and dancing but the mood died as soon as miss tried to film it. Then we moved to a different hostel which was 3 hours away but it ended up being around 4 because...Read More
Friday 2nd August Day 13 (the unlucky day, Faye’s birthday). The day began with us hanging the bunting, however I may have ruined that by shouting ‘she’s coming’. We were then blessed with Marys pancakes on the beach, yet again Sophia dropped the fresh nutella in the sand. We then sung happy birthday to faye...Read More
Thursday 1st August Day 12 In the wilderness We woke up quite late (in comparison to the rest of the trip) and had breakfast of toast and scrambled egg at 8.00. Whilst the mask making and batik making groups started their lickle projects, what was left of the cooking and washing teams washed up all...Read More
Wednesday 31st July Day 11 We had to wake up way too early to dismantle our homes (mosquito tents) and do some rapid packing. After Faye cried herself to sleep because she couldn’t see Steven again, Max and Amber broke their homes so we had to set new ones up for them last night before...Read More
Tuesday 30th July Day 10 Today, we had Judith’s birthday and had pancakes for breakfast to celebrate. Then, we had a long morning painting, and also getting covered in paint, where we nearly finished all of the murals. We also concreted the posts for the volleyball net ,weaved from our water bags, into the field....Read More
Monday 29th July Day 9 We went to Elmina market at 9 O’Clock to help Mary with the food shopping, and we split into 4 groups to try and find everything on the list. Everything was found except grapes so we got more mango instead. I went looking for a knife but I couldn’t find...Read More
Saturday 27th July Day 7 We woke up and were pleasantly surprised by some porridge and bread (we love Mary). After that we were herded onto the buses with our buddies and set off on our way to do the canopy walk. On the journey me and Chloe set ourselves challenges to be silent for...Read More
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