After another early start with a breakfast of banana pancakes, we began our first project; painting the classrooms. Our first task was to repaint the base colour of all the walls in the first block which took up till around noon. However, the overwhelming heat of being inside the dark-ish classrooms made some of us...Read More
Sacred Heart happily left the shores of Elmina yesterday after a fantastic trip to Ghana. Their flight KLM 590 departed Accra Kotoka International Airport at 12:50 hrs and expected to arrive at Newcastle airport at 0840 on Monday, 24th February 2014. We will bring you the last blogs of the team before their departure. Meanwhile...Read More
Day 5 Today we awoke with the beautiful smell of eggy bread and got ready as fast as we could to have a full hard days work on the playground. Thankfully it wasn’t too hot. After a few hours of very hard work we stopped to have a well earned lunch and played with the...Read More
Day 3 Last night was a good night with no ANTics, we managed to get to sleep pretty well. For breakfast we had some delicious eggy bread and beans, it was well prepared by Augustina (The chef). After breakfast we were quick to get into our finest clothing for the church. The church in Ghana...Read More
Day one With an early start we set off to the Hut de Eric for a yummy brekfast consisting of toast, beans and a sausage egg mixture. Then we got back on the Boonie Bus for a 4 hour bumpy and exiting journey. Everyone stopped to look at us, it is almost like we are...Read More
Hi Everyone, Sacred Heart Team arrived in Ghana yesterday 13th February 2014 and spent overnight at Accra. Today they will head on to Ayensudo community via Partner Ghana office at Elmina. We will be updating you on the trip. Also expect photos of the team on Partner Ghana Facebook page very soon.Read More
Day 8 Yesterday, the hottest day so far. We spent the day adding finishing touches to the paint work. They look great! Afterwards we enjoyed playing a game of volleyball. As yesterday was halloween, we each bought a mellon which replicated a pumpkin, from which we created decorations for a round our seating area. During...Read More
Day 6 We are enjoying the experience and we particularly enjoy the attention of the children. Usually everyone of us has a young child on each finger. They motivate us to keep working through the heat, at times it is difficult. Today some of us led a science class, this included teaching the students how...Read More
Day 4 Today is our first day of project work and therefore our first day of working with our buddies. We are painting the library and will also be painting murals; one for each subject taught. Needless to say, we were all over the moon to discover just now luxurious our toilets are, they even...Read More
DAY 5 Today we continued painting the school. We finished white washing all of the classrooms and started designs on the walls of two. We painted on the alphabet above the black boards of two classrooms and painted numbers on the side wall. The artists of the group drew human body parts and domestic animals...Read More
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