267th March 2018 Hello friends and family! We have all had another amazing day in Ayensudo. After waking up we were met with a great breakfast of pancakes and some of the best pineapple I have ever had. With our stomachs full, we began to paint the school. We saw a lot of progress today,...Read More
25th March 2018 Hello family and friends! What a day we had today. We started our day off right with a lovely breakfast. We then proceeded to all take our first showers in Ayensudo. Let me tell ya, very interesting to say the least. After that we headed to the church to join in on...Read More
24th March 2019 Hello family and friends! After we parted from you at O’hare, we had a lovely 7.5 hour flight to London. We were all very excited to be in another country and board our next flight to Accra. When we went to board our flight, we were informed that all but two of...Read More
Day 8: Friday 1st April, 2016 Of course April fools started off with a prank. I woke up instantly when Ellie and Tony picked my tent up and staretd to move it. Casy was next, and also woke up when she was lifted. During breakfast we finished off the coffee and chocolate with our pancakes...Read More
Day 1: Friday 25th March 2016 The Batavia Bulldogs arrived safely to Ghana without one travel glitch (a minor miracle). We even arrived about 15 minutes early and the ONE bag we checked was one of the first to come off the plane. All of these events together signified to us that this trip would...Read More
Day 7: Thursday 31st March 2016 Surprisingly we were not ready rudely awoken by the rain but by Troy and Casey shaking our tents and clapping in our faces. Dazed and confused I proceeded to put choco and what I taught was pancakes but was quickly informed that it was eggies in the shape of...Read More
Day 6: Wednesday 30th March 2016 Woken up by the sound of Ms. Reid’s country music alarm, Max slept longer than us all. Although slightly sacrilegious, sleeping in a mosque has treated us well. We ate eggy bread (omelette in bread) whilst serving as entertainment for the surrounding school children.Math Mehssan Tray and I were...Read More
Day 5: Tuesday 29th March 2016 Our day started at 3:00am when rain began to fall on us we all woke by noon wanted to make the move to the mosque. As we sat there determined to tough it out, we heard the roar of rain as bigger and bigger drops began to pour down....Read More
Day 4: Monday 28th March 2016 The start of the day was marked by the scream of a rooster inside the mosque we spent the night in. After this rude awakening we stumbled out of our army tents where veggie omelets and coffee where ready for us. We then met with our buddies and packed...Read More
Day 3: Sunday 27th March 2016 Around 3:30am, us tent sleepers were woken by a rooster. Around 4:30 – 5:00am, the mosque sounded off a very loud but peaceful prayer. Then around 6:45am, my body twitched as rain came down and hit me . Melissa and I were the only ones to sit up, but...Read More
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