Day 8: Friday 1st April, 2016 Of course April fools started off with a prank. I woke up instantly when Ellie and Tony picked my tent up and staretd to move it. Casy was next, and also woke up when she was lifted. During breakfast we finished off the coffee and chocolate with our pancakes...Read More
Day 1: Friday 25th March 2016 The Batavia Bulldogs arrived safely to Ghana without one travel glitch (a minor miracle). We even arrived about 15 minutes early and the ONE bag we checked was one of the first to come off the plane. All of these events together signified to us that this trip would...Read More
Last Day in Sri Lanka 😭😭 Well, that went quickly. Today marks our last full day in Sri Lanka and what a time we have had. Starting with MEF and moving on to the incredibly hospitable people at the Janoda foundation. The experiences we have had are astonishing and the friendships we have created will...Read More
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