Hey guys it’s Ellie! (back again) Today we have had a particularly busy and fun day! We woke up bright, early and very tired from the Nutella sugar crash from the night before! We had to get ready for a morning at our buddies’ houses, a day that had been particularly anticipated! It had been...Read More
Hiya all, Charlie here 🙂 Today was quite a long day, but definitely a good one. We had an early start, setting off on the bus at 6:30 with a packed breakfast of egg (curry) sandwiches, sausages and pineapple! We travelled for around 3 hours to get to the tea plantation where we were toured...Read More
Hi everyone, this is Esha! I would like to start off the blog by wishing Debbie (Hamish’s mum) and Jack (Ellie’s brother) a happy birthday and I hope that you are both having an amazing day, and to Debbie Putz, Scouting For Girls is currently playing in our room- what a coincidence! Today we had...Read More
Hello, it’s Hamish We are all currently watching a crocodile gecko try and eat a leaf insect (which looks like a praying mantas) but today has also been really busy. The day started off with us having bread and omelettes for breakfast and then having to head out to Tzu-Chi school to play our ice...Read More
Hey everyone, it’s Lily 🙂 I’m currently sat on my bed at Janoda with everyone crowded around one of the beds discussing all the different foods we miss and funny story’s to keep us amused. Today has been jam packed of excitement, new experiences and fun. We started off today with the cook team being...Read More
Hello Everybody, Jess here! Today we had to get up at 5:15 in the morning so we could set off on the bus at 6:00. However we ended up setting the alarm clock at 5:30, so we could get that 15 mins lay in, which was heaven. We had to drag all our heavy bags...Read More
Hi everyone it’s Hatty!! Another evening of thunder and lightening has concluded our visit here at MEF. We started off the day with yoga at 7, which was amusingly interrupted by the dogs. Then we had a quick turn around for our incredible, tropical elephant walk which was (very) hot. We experienced the Sri Lankan...Read More
Hello everybody it’s Eliza! I’m currently sat on a bench taking refuge from the thunderstorm with Kate, Hamish and Ranmenika, our favourite elephant. The beauty of the view in front of us can’t be put in to words, but we’ll show you plenty of pictures when we come home. We woke up to Charlie’s ‘Good...Read More
Hello everyone it’s Ellie Raby! I have been given the honour of starting this year’s Sri Lanka 2017 blog! We have been up for over 36 hours and are exhausted but still in good spirits and full of curry! We arrived at MEF after 24 hours of travelling and have settled in to our room....Read More
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