Monday 15th July The main focus of today was beginning the second project: the painting of a local school, another outreach project alongside Essaman United. We split up into smaller groups, each with allocated roles of painting different areas of the building. It was rewarding to see how much we managed to complete over the...Read More
Sunday 14th July Today was our relaxation day which was amazing due to the fact that we had a lie in – we woke up at 9am instead of 6am! For breakfast we had French toast and omelettes which were delicious. Then after breakfast we took part in a bead making workshop which was so...Read More
Saturday 13th July This morning we all woke up to the collapsing of Frankie and Loreta’s bed and Loreta emerging from the bed somehow unscathed saying ‘the bed fell on me’ in the most monotone way, thankfully whilst we were out the bed was replaced with a more sturdy one and everyone became slightly jealous...Read More
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