day of yoga and finishing off our projects. Mr Curry spilt a tin of
yellow paint, Eliza finished her elephant cartoon by drawing a toilet
and Jasper nailed the signs to stakes, then stuck them into the
ground. After lunch some of us including Phil and Eliza collected
some elephant poo to take to the factory, where they make paper out
of elephant dung. The dung is mashed, cleaned, squashed into mats,
dried and cut into paper sheets. An old man working a giant
guillotine gave
Eliza some paper hearts. And the little old guide
called us “his children”. In the gift shop Phil joked come on
let’s buy some s..t When we returned, we washed the elephants
again, and they also washed us during an elephant shower, where we
sat on their backs at let them spray us with their trunks, which was
incredible. Finally, we talked to a Buddhist who was visiting, and
who wanted to talk to the volunteers about his religion. It was
really interesting to hear all about his religious views of the
world, and hear how different his views are.
After dinner we made a bonfire and sat around it chatting. Caza don’t worry what goes on tour stays on tour! Saffron played “Never have I ever”… and everyone moaned there was too much Mama Mia on the downloaded play list.
Tomorrow, we are going to the Pera Hera Festival, which is really exciting.