We started the day again with yoga and despite Phil’s hilarious huffing and puffing we seem to be getting the hang of it. After our elephant chores and breakfast, we went on a walk through the forest with the elephants, which was inspiring and fun. Sina the Mahout shinned up the trees and picked fruit for us to try, Mango, Jackfruit, Rose Apple and Papaya, apparently there are 64 types of Banana in Sri Lanka. Thankfully we didn’t try them all! Today we also started our projects at the sanctuary, which included a wall mural that most of the people worked on, and some signs with facts about the area, which Nick, Mr Curry, and Jasper worked on. There was a skyline from famous city land marks painted on one of the volunteer blocks and I, Eliza sketched out cartoon elephants on toilet block. It really was great fun. In the late afternoon we went into town in Tuk-tuks. This soon became a race. We went to a small local cinema. Half way through the film it cut out, very confusing? It turned out that this was an interval. We had some strange popcorn which was curry, cheese or chicken flavoured. It was nicer than it sounds. I can’t say the same for the squatting toilets. More project work tomorrow, I can’t wait.