Day 8- Edwin
Twelve sleepy teenagers are awoken by the two things they were dreading the night before, heavy rain and three loud adults (merlin, Carol and Claire also known as Clarence).
Having sleep taken away, they got out of bed to enjoy the free shower falling from the sky.
With help of the cook mad Emma, the cooking team went French and made eggy bread (French bread). By the time breakfast was ready, the heavens had opened and we were thoroughly soaked.
Everyone stayed in high spirits and set to work prepping for the oncoming sports day! The plans were changed at lunched due to the weather hating us, even Merlin the wizard couldn’t stop rain with his magic! The project team and the leaders decided the best plan of action was to use the main classrooms instead of outside, or the kindergarten classrooms. The events chosen to take place were; beat the keeper ran by David, skipping race ran by eve, king of castle ran by Max and Monty, quidditch ran by tom and Edwin (me), egg and spoon race ran by Chloe and Tess. All were successful at bringing in the children by the tons. At the end, we ran a good all game of over and under, ending the villages of Dwabor’s sports day.
Exhausted from a day of challenges team 12 of Dwabor went back to kindergarten one, with their heads held high.
p.s. Merlin stopped the down pour finally.