Day 10.
We started off the day with a 7:30 start, instead of the usual 6:30. We then got treated to a breakfast of pancakes which was then made even better by some of our lovely buddies stopping by and surprising us. We then went on a beach walk to the nearby fishing village and got even more sunburn although the view was worth it. We then finished packing our bags and had a last send-off from our buddies and off we went on the bus. Halfway into the journey to Accra, we stopped at a beach resort and we then sat down to a buffet style lunch and ate with a beautiful view of the sea. We carried on to Accra and we then stopped at trashy bags to buy some last minute souvenirs before getting a quick dinner and then right now as we are writing this we plan on heading to the airport and boarding our flight back home! We have had the most amazing trip and even though we are sad to see it end, we are excited to go home and see our families and friends. See you guys soon!
-Sharanya and Olivia A.