Saturday 13th July
This morning we all woke up to the collapsing of Frankie and Loreta’s bed and Loreta emerging from the bed somehow unscathed saying ‘the bed fell on me’ in the most monotone way, thankfully whilst we were out the bed was replaced with a more sturdy one and everyone became slightly jealous of the new and improved bed!
Today we went to four different places – Kakum national park to do a canape walk, a cocoa farm, a beach and even visited some crocodiles. It’s been a jam-packed day to say the least.
The canape walk was a bit of an early morning workout trekking up to the top and then back down again, it made everyone a bit peckish I think. It was worth it though to be surrounded by the trees with the sun peaking through, it was gorgeous.
At the cocoa farm the process of how they grow the cocoa and all of the uses of the cocoa were explained to us. We all tried the cocoa beans and we’re also given one to so look forward to that when we get back!
Then we went to see the crocodiles which I didn’t fancy much so kept at a safe distance away from at all times. Finally we went to the beach, a relaxing end to a busy day with our buddies and then we came back to stumble Inn to another delicious meal from Nana and a good nights sleep before our lie in on Sunday.