Day 12. Wednesday, 18th July 2018
Student leaders – Emma and Katie
From room 33 Emma and Amelia had to get up at 6am in the morning to cook breakfast which was porridge and toast. As per usual Katie was last out of the room in a zombified state (not a morning person)! After having our breakfast, we followed our usual routine of sun cream (factor 50 and blue kids’ sun cream for Katie) and Deet.
We all split into three separate groups, some people going to SDA, the Islamic school and the other small group going around to different schools to hand out clothes to the children and to scope out future projects. When we arrived at SDA, we split into teams to paint murals in the classrooms. In our classroom we painted a clock, simple machines, parts of a plant and Lily B’s awesome wheelbarrow.
We came home for lunch which was some sore of sweet pastry roll – not the typical Ghanaian spicy food. We had an hour break in which most of us read or napped for a while and then we were back to work. We nearly finished the painting in the classroom and spent some of the remaining time playing with our favourite kids – Mespa and Kaisia.
After a tiring and long day, we made our way back to the hotel. The water was yet again not working in the shower so we had to have a baby wipe wash. We settled down for another night of monopoly deal and cards and chatted on the balcony whilst the sun set.
We look forward to sports day tomorrow.
Love and hugs
Emma and Katie xx