Day 3: Wednesday 6th July 2016
Wednesday morning, we all woke up to the sounds of laughter and a clucking chicken as it ran around our circle of tents and then ran at full pelt towards Mia’s tent, with a short scream from Mia, the village was awake and the day could begin. After a quick shower (Bucket) we were shortly on our way to meet the local people in the village of Dutch Komenda and attend our official welcome ceremony where we meet the elders of the village. This included a blessing from the village and was made official by a dance and the singing of national anthems. Later on we exchanged presents with our Buddies, sang local songs and finally got to start project work. After a long and tiring day of hard work we thought after Mia’s experience with her tent this morning it couldn’t get any worse until we turned around to see her mosquito net turned on its side and Mia screaming for help and hysterically crying with laughter.
Day 4: Thursday 7th July 2016
At 1.30 am this morning we woke up to a shower of rain and had to quickly move to shelter. Later on in the morning after breakfast we were prayed for and included in a Ghanaian style act of worship. After the blessings everyone started on the projects except for Oran and myself who helped make the lunch for the group, which was pasta in sausage sauce and is not as easy to make as it sounds especially in 28-degree heat! After a well-deserved lunch we all separated off to teach either an ICT lesson or an English reading lesson. We are now currently carrying on with projects and enjoying the African sun. Although we are all loving our sacred time here and our new golden tans I think we can all say and myself included we are slightly missing home!
You sound to be having a very full and fascinating time! Thank you for keeping us updated. We hope everyone is enjoying themselves and finding their experience in Ghana a brilliant one.
I can’t begin to express how immensely proud we are of every single one of you! Seeing snippets of your adventure on the Facebook page has been a real boost to your friends and family back in the UK.
Sending you all much love and heartfelt prayer.
God bless x
Been amazing reading and seeing photos of your adventure so far, can’t wait to hear every little detail when you all get back! Everyone is so proud of you back home and remember to enjoy every minute of it as you will be home before you know it, you are already more than half way through!! 😀 Shout out to ma main gals Mol and Nai Nai T, love you lots and lots <3 Stay safe and see you soon! Lots of love, Char xxx