Day 5: Tuesday 29th March 2016
Our day started at 3:00am when rain began to fall on us we all woke by noon wanted to make the move to the mosque. As we sat there determined to tough it out, we heard the roar of rain as bigger and bigger drops began to pour down. Scrambling we managed to cram all our tents through the narrow doorway into the cover of the mosque. After a few more hours of sleep we woke to pancake with chocolate and orange marmalade. We had to rush because the morning school assembly was beginning. All the Ghanaian children lined up by grade and recited a prayer, pledge and sang the national anthem. We responded with our pledge of allegiance and the star spangled Banner. The kindergarten then had another assembly filled with singing, dancing, and laughter. Once class actually started, my room was learning about the letter “R” and how to write it. The atmosphere was very energetic as the teacher incorporated drumming and singing into the lesson. Next it was time for the first break of the day. Immediately, each of our arms and backs were swarmed with little children screaming and chanting in fante. The hot sun baked us as we ran around the football field chasing the ball and teaching the kids little hand tricks, and lots of thumb wars. After lunch we headed to the market to buy ice cream and attempt to catch a goat, being followed by a parade children the whole time. On the fifth day of the trip we finally started our project of painting the classrooms. Once the Brunis, white people, started painting, that became the thing to do and soon enough all the Ghanaians had all the brushes. Even the chief was covered in paint brushing the walls. In no time, the first coat was complete and we began to clean up. We ate dinner and sat around solving riddles. We turned in early as it had been a hot exhausting day and we have a full agenda tomorrow.