Today was a long day and everyone has worked to the best of their ability. We had people helping to finish and paint the sand pit, a team of people painting the gecko on the side of the pre-school, and a team of people painting the ocean on the other side of the pre-school wall.
We all worked extremely hard to get everything finished today, and it helped that most of us got to lay in till about 7am. We got ready and headed over. With us, we took 2 bags of toys as donations for the children which they all enjoyed very much. Bubbles probably wasn’t the best idea as an indoors activity but I was happy to see all the children enjoying the toys.
Straight after this, we all got into our project work clothes and added the finishing touches to our painting projects. Everyone helped out and There was not a single person who didn’t put a huge amount of effort in. By 4pm we were all packed up with our painting stuff and packing our bags to go to the beach with team 2 and all of our buddies as a reward for all of our hard work.
We arrived at the beach all ready to go in the sea but we were not allowed because of the strength of the waves. Somehow, everyone still managed to get soaked from head to toe in sea water because of the splash of the waves. Me and a few other people played traditional hopscotch with our buddies which we all picked up really fast and enjoyed thoroughly. We then all stood in the waves getting splashed like crazy.
After the beach we all stood by the road and we made a turtle conservation club for the turtles at the beach we were just on. Max did his puppet performance for everyone there which I’m sure everybody enjoyed. It was great to see everyone onboard with the idea.
When returning we were all shattered from the long day of hard work. So we had dinner which was rice and some chicken with really nice sauce. We then did my reflection activity which was a game called pafigaliano. Nobody understood it at first but in the end we all got into it and I think everyone enjoyed it. Shortly after this, we all went to bed after all the hard work and we all got a good nights sleep.
Love from Madaline x