Day 1:
We left South Craven at 5am in the pouring rain. We arrived in Accra at 8pm (Ghana time). The flight was enjoyable and educational as we learnt that you can’t tan at night time! After what felt like an age, and with the bags finally stacked on the roof of the bus, we headed to our home for the night.
Day 2:
After being awoken at 4am by a cockerel we loaded the bus ready for our 3 hour drive to Elmina. Lots of fun and games on the bus, e.g. our brilliant singing, kept us entertained throughout our journey. The journey was very enlightening, witnessing lots of cultural differences to what we know back home. On arrival we were warmly welcomed and quickly felt at home.
We enjoyed a lovely lunch of pasta and spicy veg. After settling in we walked to our partner school Elmina Methodist ‘A’ where we were greeted by 3 teachers, Michael, Eben and Juliana who showed us round. We are really looking forward to getting started on the projects. We had a refreshing coastal walk to the beach being greeted by cute African children who were pleased to see us and enjoyed loom band gifts. Following a tea of chicken and rice we relaxed making loom bands and playing cards so we were rested for our project work to start tomorrow.
Lucy Holroyd
Ps everyone says hello to friends and family 🙂