We awoke at 6am to the unpleasant sound of Mr Lonsdale’s voice shouting through the door to wake us up. After having a nice breakfast we got ready to walk to Elmina Methodist, to meet our buddies. When we arrived at the school, the kids were really excited to see us all, as were we to see them.
We partnered up with another student and taught us how to sweep as they do with a bundle of twigs. We then went on to the morning assembly where the children danced and sung then we marched out to the drumming of the band. We then looked around the school, spoke to our pen-pals/buddies and all met each other. After that we went on to one of the classrooms, the teachers all introduced themselves and so did ours, then we buddied up and introduced ourselves to the school with our buddies. After that we had a free-flowing day learning about the Ghanaian culture, dancing (we all have two left feet), Gardening (that doesn’t mean we are going to start doing that at home!) making jewelry and being really happy 24/7. We all began planning the mural, sports day and the garden. After giving all our gifts to our buddies we began creating the mural and digging “Welcome to Elmina Meth in the ground.” After that Beth Shaw made many of the older boys chase Olivia until she would sing; she denied the offer, Beth Hanson was sung a love song by one of her buddies Isaac, Aoife held a baby before having it taken off her before she stole it. We then went for a short walk then back to the guest house where Hannah Ingham attempted to catch a bag of water which exploded in her hands and all over.
Olivia Sharkey, Beth Shaw and Aoife Thomas.