Thursday 4th
After an early morning of long drop runs, french toast and the usual chatting that takes place between the group, we all set off down to the school to continue the painting of the mural. With Danni and Amie determined on finishing the Weydon logo, Evie and Livi consistently working on the Dwabor ‘knowledge is power’ logo, Chloe, Freya, Dom, Row and Josh painting the blue at the bottom… the project morning was successful!
After a long eventful start to the day the group retired up to the kindergarten for a delicious lunch of tuna and cucumber sandwiches with yam chips (cooked by Freya, Danni, Amie and the amazing Augustina).
As soon as lunch was finished, the team was taken down to the cocoa farm to learn a little more about Ghana’s agriculture. After learning about the origin of cocoa in Ghana, the products made from the beans and the profits made, we made our way back up to the kindergarten stopping for a chilled drink from the village on the way up. Amie, Danni and Freya stayed up at the kitchen to make vegetable curry and rice while the rest went down to the school to continue on the mural.
Once dinner was cooked everyone came up and enjoyed a great dinner before going to the tents to chat and sleep per usual.
Friday 5th
Today we were all awake very early, woken by the prayer calling. After a quick, but tasty breakfast of omelette we set off to finish the final touches on our mural. Covered in paint we all washed and then ate a selection of Ghana’s finest crisps washed down with a bottle of sprite. We then all gathered together with our buddies to take part in a Ghanaian style dancing and drumming workshop. With our moves and beats covered and rehearsed we went down into the community and performed a show including a group of acrobats fire eating and plate spinning. To top of a great day we then went and watched the previous Ghana teams memories under the clear starry sky.
Saturday 6th
Our last day in Dwabor, we started the day with sorting out all of our things ready for tomorrow. We then ate a pancake breakfast that was amazing. We then painted Team 6 2013 on the moral for the last finishing touch. And then we sorted out the books for the children. After we went in groups to make bamboo bracelets, bamboo necklaces and lastly bamboo cups. We had dinner, a lovely Buffet; we then all sat round our last bon fire with our buddies and others, all of us were playing games such as Ghanaian games were we dance round the bonfire we had drums playing people singing and then after an amazing night we went to bed for leaving the next morning.