Monday 11th
Today we woke up at 6.30 since the prayer call was particularly loud. When we were all up we enjoyed scrambled egg on toast. After breakfast most of the team went down to the Chief’s Palace to paint the walls but the rest of the team stayed to help decorate the classroom which is nearly finished. After sufficient work had been done, we all had a break for lunch which was spaghetti bolognaise, but we stuck to the Ghanaian diet and replaced the mince with vegetables.
After lunch, the well runs started. Usually this is a tiresome and wearing ordeal, however today we decided to try using a relay system, meaning each person would only have to carry the water for two or three hundred yards at a time. This worked perfectly, so perfectly in fact that we were using the well for an hour and half, depriving the community of their water supply. Much to our delight, the adults concluded that it was unfair of us to be greedy with the water, even though we hadn’t even filled half the tank, and that we would resume the relay tomorrow. After returning our buckets, we sat down for a well needed rest hour, awaiting our reliably delicious dinner (thanks to Augustina!!!).
Fox family, I’ll be very impressed if you’ve managed how to look at the blog but I hope you have. Hope you’re missing me (maybe not Tom) but I hope you’re looking after Tess and Sparkie. Lots of love Rebecca xxx
Rieden family, Annie stop going in my bedroom (you think I wont notice but I will), mum get some sleep I mean seriously 5 is not an acceptable hour, dad I hope to god your cooking matches the standards over here because if it doesn’t I will cry. Looking forward to a real toilet and power shower, missing snowy, give her a dental stick from me, hope you are surviving without me but somehow I doubt it. Love you all, Kathy xxxxx