Today we finally met our buddies at their school, which is called the Tzu Chi school. Some were quiet and quite shy while others were very excitable. There were language barriers as some had better spoken English while others had better written English but all their English was better than our Sinhalese. We socialised with them for a while which was a good way to break down the barriers. They had exams in the afternoon, so we said bye for now and parted company returning to the foundation, where we started work on our projects for the nursery school. The children at the nursery look well off compared to others in Sri Lanka, However, everything is donated or paid for by charities including their smart uniforms.
Oliver, Mr Curry, and Jasper, started work on our hop scotch for the nursery children, while the rest of the group started on the wall murals which included the Alphabet and numbers with representative images. However, we only got as far as sketching it out before we had to stop. After eating some amazing curry, we went to bed. Tomorrow is another day.