DAY 9-Monday 30th July 2018
Today was one of the most tiring days yet, starting with an early wake-up for all, which is always popular. For breakfast we enjoyed some pancakes with chocolate spread for those who wished to have it. We held our daily morning meeting, where we found out we had a whole another day finishing previous projects and starting some exciting new ones.
After travelling up to the library we collected the paint we needed for the mural and got to work. Half the group continued painting our mural that we started a few days back, while the other half went back to ordering the library books inside, which was very infuriating at some points as the position of the book types kept changing.
As we approached midday, all the rubbish from within the library was gathered outside, ready to be burned, the books had all been placed in their correct places, but the mural remained unfinished. Joe, Alice, Grace and I stayed at the library in order to finish the mural by the end of the day, as we didn’t want to spend any more of our limited time here in Ayensudo on the same project. The rest of the group returned back to the main area to start the next project which was to cover the walls of one of the buildings with something educational. They ended up deciding on writing the alphabet around the walls, accompanied with pictures, to help the children with learning the letters.
(Continued in second part)
[09:42, 9/12/2018] OHGS SPE18 T1: DAY 9 – PART 2
For lunch, we enjoyed a hearty meal of fish and chips, which reminded some of us of the traditional home meal. However we didn’t have much time to reminisce, as it was straight back to work for all of us.
At last, the library mural was completed (around the same time as the alphabet project was half way finished). Everyone tried their best to help. To our suprise, Joe, Alice and I were tasked with decorating the outside of another building. This time, we decided on a maths theme, which is a very popular subject here according to the students. We painted mathematical symbols, sums, shapes and the numbers up to 12. The group working on the alphabet finished at the same time as us and the letters and pictures looked stunning and definitely complemented the building. We finished the day with a dinner of rice, plantain and curry and we’re now sitting around our normal campfire.
P. S. Happy birthday Dad, I love and miss you so much, hope you had a great day!! Love Grace xxx
Happy birthday Katie, Rosie loves you so much! xxx
Happy belated birthday to Caroline from Ella, she loves you loads! xxx
And finally to Paul, you’ll be dissappointed to hear that there wasn’t a 7eleven right there, however we did manage to step into a candy store.
We look forward to receiving and reading more messages from everyone!
~Charlotte ( ˘ ³˘)♥