Monday 22nd July
Day 2 Arrival in Ayensudo.
Faye is leader and Fran (me) is deputy.
Today we started of by going to visit trashy bags, where we all learnt about the process of recycling. We then started our journey to the school, this is when Faye dropped her sunglasses out the big orange truck we are travelling in, very clumsy. I am writing this blog sat in the big classroom that we have set out tents up in. We were greeted with lots of kids holding onto us, we then had a town ceremony where we met the elders and chief of the village. We also have all met and gone on an adventure with our Buddies. The food is great and we don’t know why there was such a fuss about the water not tasting nice, we all enjoy it. We are having an amazing time, love from all of us
What a wonderful welcome you have had ! Love seeing your photos & reading what you are all up to each day. Looking forward to more photos. Have a good day, we miss you! xx