Thursday 18th July
Today gave a great sense of achievement and satisfaction as a result of our hard work on the playground project at Essaman. After an unprecedented alarm at 5:30 from our new neighbours, we enjoyed a breakfast of Nanna’s pancakes – we almost ran out of ‘Top Choc’! We then set off swiftly to Essaman to get started on the final stages of the play area. First came a few more holes to dig followed by hours of sanding. Eventually, we got around to painting the base layer of the playground in all the colours of the rainbow. Whilst crazy it looked great! Arriving home early meant we had time to enjoy the view from the rocks and take in the phenomenon off the biggest waves we had ever seen. We then enjoyed another of Nanna’s fantastic meals, especially loving the mango for dessert. Tomorrow we hope to complete the playground!
Well done girls, the playground looks amazing, you should all be very proud of what you have accomplished. Fantastic work. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday Lauren x