Day 7. Thursday, 12 July 2018.
The day was splattered with fun – the result being everyone covered in white paint by the end of it… (update: it still hasn’t come off) To explain, we spent the day painting the new Kimbolton Hall at Essaman United in the Kimbo colours, which you guessed: a lot of purple, black and white. The final addition concluded with a prestigious wall-sized crest of our school.
Following this, we were given the opportunity to attend a ‘djembe’ drum and dance workshop… Were we good at it? No not really, but we did give it our best efforts and that’s all that really matters, right. Regardless, we look forward to showcasing our newfound talents (embarrassing ourselves) during the farewell ceremony on Sunday.
Evening fast approached, as we sat surrounded by the crepuscular afterglow, we found ourselves sat around the campfire. We introduced ourselves to the other school group, who had just arrived at Stumble Inn and the night finished with us joining in and learning a new game – ‘mafia’.
Francesca and Sophie :))))