Day 5. Wednesday, 11th July 2018
Today, the first group had to wake up at 4.45 to cook the breakfast for the rest of the group assisted by camp chefs. We had French Toast: Then we walked to the SDA school and were divided into 3 groups. One group went to the Islamic school to paint inside the kindergarten building, the other group built the kitchen. We started early to avoid the hottest hours of the day.
We came back for lunch – tuna pasta and relaxed for the hottest hours. We then had a downpour for 10 minutes and half of the group went into the village market. As they were out, they were caught in another downpour.
Dinner was prepared early so we could watch the England match. Dinner was spicy rice and kebabs. The group set up their seats around quarter to six around the TV. We were over the noon when England scored, then mortified when Croatia equalised. Extra time hit and Sarge and Joe Mc were moments away from a breakdown due to the tension. Ghanaian children had joined us to watch the game but they seemed more interested in the girl’s hair.
… And sadly England lost š Sarge and Richard may cry, Anya is up 30 quid).