Day 9, 31th October 2017. Yesterday we had another full day of project. We managed to finish painting the ceiling and the murals on the back walls. Gemma even salvaged the blackboard paint which was essentially black water but after several coats now looks like something you could write on. In the morning we spent time with our buddies doing a sports day which included a sack race, lime and spoon race, rounders and 9 football. Even at 8.00 in the morning it was too hot for me! We also spent the lesson before lunch teaching classes. Every room in the school had a group of us teaching them. I tried to teach 32 children to play 6 recorders, you can only imaging the noise that was coming from my classroom and echoing through the roof.
After lunch we spent a little time painting before heading off to the refugee camp. We had all prepared ourselves for the worst and there were mixed reactions to the camp itself. We were shown round by the head teacher the school based on the camp and the elected leader of the camp, a refugee from the ivory coast himself. It was more permenant than many of us expected. Land is free and people staying are encouraged to build there own houses which is largely what they have done. But the temporary shelter material stamped with the blue UNHCR logo stamped on is still visible everywhere; a constant reminder of the area as a camp rather than a village.
Looking forward to our last full day in the village tomorrow. Love from the 2017 Ghana team. 😀 xxx (Beth)