Day 4: 24/7/17
This day started with an early awaking from local cockerel. Nobody was pleased with this and it took a while for us all to wake up properly. but after a breakfast of vegetable omelettes we were up and raring to go. Today we got to sit and observe the lessons in the school, some of us even got to help and teach. We all got to experience a different style of teaching from our English lessons. After the school’s break time we then taught them our planned lessons. The younger children especially loved Harry and Byon’s science space rocket experiment and Frankie, Bethany and Thisbe’s skeleton activity. The older children enjoyed Math and Sam’s Math lesson. After lunch, Archie proved himself as dancer of the day as he and all of us joined in with the children dancing. We then spent the afternoon sewing empty water bags together to create a recycle bag, made of recycled water bags.Even though the rain poured heavily, it didn’t dampen our spirits. Dinner was beef curry with rice and after that we had mango and pineapple which was amazing.We then sat around having a good old chin wag, and later we are planning to light a fire. Star of the day was awarded to Math for helping with everything and everyone and donkey of the day went to Sam K for not exactly being eager to join in the dancing or sewing.
Immy and Matt
Well done guys…. love reading these and seeing what you’ve been up to. Carry on being brilliant. Big love x
Imy we are missing you but so good to hear what you and your classmates are up to – amazing. Sounds like you are all having fun. Jealous of the experience. Keep the blogs coming guys. X
Well done Joe for remembering my birthday – made my day 🙂 Keep up the blogs, love to read what you have been doing .. x
So exciting to hear the classroom lessons going well! Medase pa Valeria, Amy, Paddy and the staff!
Brilliant.. keep the blogs coming!