Day 3: Sunday 27th March 2016
Around 3:30am, us tent sleepers were woken by a rooster. Around 4:30 – 5:00am, the mosque sounded off a very loud but peaceful prayer. Then around 6:45am, my body twitched as rain came down and hit me . Melissa and I were the only ones to sit up, but the rest of the group followed our lead into the nearby mosque(not the ones calling muslims to prayer). Judith made pancakes similar to crepes, with bread, pineapple and orange marmalade on, we ate breakfast after two hours of waiting for the rain to stop. Paddy took our group and buddies to church for easter. During the service we all introduced ourselves to the congregation. After church we changed and went back to town for ice cream and biscuits with a cool snack we were temporally distracted by the heat.
On the walk back we chased goats and little cats. We rapidly consumed Yam chips with amazing salad then we gathered our buddies and hop into a ‘tro-tro’ to go to the beach. Many of our buddies needed to swim. We had a contest to see who could climb the highest up a palm tree, and off us Americans, Matt(and his sailing skills) took first place. The tide was high and the waves were huge, providing hours of fun. We took our final shower with a running water, then walked over to the new chief palace of Brenu. Most of our introduction(made by our chief of Ayensudu) was not understandable due to it being in Fante. We headed back to camp, ate a delicious dinner, then played music, sang, dance and clapped along side twenty to thirty Ghanaian children. Queen mother ended our party and we headed into the stuffy, humid and hot mosque to sleep.
Hasta Manana!