We are writing to you from the beach and enjoying the sea, sand and sunshine. Tomorrow our buddies are coming and we are going to have a beach party with lots of jollof!!
Whilst we are having lots of fun here, we are also learning a lot. Yesterday we did a questionnaire without buddies and reading back we are discovered lots of differences between us. It seems that the students here take their education a lot more seriously. In response to a question about what is most important thing to learn about in school the Ghanaian buddies said learning but a lot of us put social skills! Seeing their responses to questions about home life made us see how much we take for granted like clean running water and the size of houses. The contrast between the types of jobs is interesting. Most of our buddies’ parents are working as farmers and sellers whereas the students aspire to work in professions such as medicine and banking. This shows the high hopes they have for the future.
Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this. We certainly enjoyed writing it. Bye!