Day 10 by Holly
Today we made a start on the second classroom which will be another science room. We managed to make great progress and decided towards the end of the day to add more decorations to the room as we have plenty of time. At the playground, we painted the frames in Ghanaian and British colours. Everyone was quite subdued after a hard day’s work, so following a nice dinner of vegetable stew and rice, we all pretty much crashed out.
Bay 11 by Immi
Today was another day of project work – but we finished the classroom in good spirits. The most eventful occurrence of today was when the shopping team of Ben, Evelyn and Charlie got pulled over by the police. After recovering from this experience, Ben proceeded to crush a scorpion with a stick. Rural life is clearly taking over.
Charlie, Charlotte and myself had a meeting with the headmaster, Patrick and others in preparation for the KG sports day which has come along well. Currently, just bracing ourselves for the onslaught of little kids!